San Bernardino and Riverside County work injuries before layoff?
Injured at work before layoff? Furloughs Versus Layoffs: Is There a Difference in California?
“What is the difference between furloughing and laying off employees?”
Essentially, a furloughed employee remains an employee but with reduced or eliminated work hours, while a layoff generally means a complete employment severance. If you are injured at work before you were laid off or furloughed, you may be entitled to workers compensation benefits, this includes specific injuries or wear and tear injuries that occurred over time. Contact us as soon as possible if you had a work injury in San Bernardino or Riverside Counties before your layoff or termination as there are strict rules regarding filing deadlines.
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Workers’ comp isn’t a form of severance pay or unemployment insurance, but you may be entitled to receive it even afteryou are laid off. Workers’ comp is a form of insurance that most employers are required to carry. Employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses are entitled to certain benefits through workers’ comp, including medical expenses, partial income replacement, and perhaps vocational rehabilitation benefits.
Many Californian businesses are facing difficult choices during this COVID-19 pandemic (also known as the coronavirus pandemic). Confronting losses in revenue and uncertainty in the future, San Bernardino and Riverside County businesses are evaluating their options for preserving their companies while maintaining their workforce.