Comuníquese con su representante estatal e inste a votar no a AB 1309. Este proyecto de ley abrirá la puerta a la eliminación de reclamos acumulativos por trauma. California reconoce reclamos por traumas acumulativos y movimientos repetitivos y es solo uno de los nueve estados que quedan en los EE. UU. Que los reconoce debido a la búsqueda para eliminarlos por intereses comerciales anti-trabajadores.

Call, write, email, facsimile your state legislature representative and urge them to vote no on AB 1309. This bill is going to open the door to the elimination of cumulative trauma claims. California recognizes cumulative trauma and repetitive motion claims and it is only one of nine states left in the US that recognize them…

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Escollos que deben evitarse al navegar por un reclamo de compensación para trabajadores

Pitfalls to Avoid When Navigating a Workers Compensation Claim Most workers compensation cases reach a settlement before the need for a trial before a Workers Compensation Administrative Judge if you have the right workers compensation lawyer. In most cases, all parties are interested in reaching an agreement before going to the Workers Compensation Appeals Board.…

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