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If you are injured at work and your employer does not take you back to work, you will probably be eligible for a supplemental job displacement voucher which is California’s program for job retraining. If you have a Worker’s Compensation case, it is best to plan for this possibility early in your case. The Voucher has proven to be an effective benefit for injured workers. It is an $11,000 package, once you receive your voucher you can apply for $5000 is cash from the California return to work fund, the Voucher provides for $6000 worth of benefits which can be used for equipment, computer, licensing, job retraining, and many other uses. A vocational rehabilitation counselor can assist you with maximizing this benefit.   

The lawyers at Cleveland & Metz have built relationships with several highly respected vocational counselors that help our injured workers utilize the voucher.  If you need assistance with your Worker’s Compensation case and job retraining or suspect that you may be heading towards job retraining and or employer separation, it is best to have a plan on how to make this situation work for you. Each case is different and unique, and we can help you plan for an outcome based on your individual circumstances. Cal or email l us if you need assistance or guidance in your Worker’s Compensation case.