Benefits Of Hiring A Workers Compensation Attorney
Benefits Of Hiring A Workers Compensation Attorney
Many injured workers asked the question, why hire a work comp lawyer? There are many reasons to hire a work injury lawyer however I’ll try to summarize the most important benefits of hiring a workers compensation attorney. Our consultations are free and if you don’t need a workers compensation attorney we will give you an honest assessment of your case.
The workers compensation insurance company will have a defense work injury attorney assigned to defend them against you and your work comp claim. Their workers compensation adjusters and defense work injury lawyers are highly experienced and will generally run circles around you. An experienced worker compensation lawyer who only represents injured workers and accident victims can make sure you are being treated fairly and receive the work comp benefits and rights you deserve if you have been injured on the job.
The profit model for the insurance company is pretty basic, take in big $$$ premiums from your employer and pay you as little as possible. The insurance doctor you will see both likely tell you that your problem is pre-existing, part of the aging process, you are born with the problem, and any other excuse they can dream up to make sure your work injury is documented as not their fault. Once the insurance company doctor documents in his report that you don’t have a work injury, you will not receive any benefits. This will likely be the end of the line for your case unless you hire an experienced workers compensation attorney
A local and experienced workers compensation attorney can assist you with selecting the right work injury doctor, negotiate with the work comp insurance company and represent you at the Workers Compensation Appeals Board. Most workers compensation cases settle before trial, and an experienced work injury attorney can get you the work comp settlement you deserve. If your case goes go to trial, you are going to want a workers compensation attorney familiar with that court with years of workers compensation trial experience. Representing yourself is not recommended unless you have years of workers compensation experience and knowledge.
Hiring an experienced workers compensation attorney is cheap. A work injury attorney will charge anywhere from 33% to 50% of your final accident settlement. Worker’s Compensation lawyers generally work for a 15% fee of your final work comp settlement. Because of the workers compensation attorney’s years of knowledge and work injury experience, the work injury lawyer generally pays for himself or herself by the value they bring to the work comp case. If you’re workers compensation claim is denied, a work injury attorney can likely help you.
A reputable and local workers compensation lawyer will be familiar with your regional Workers Compensation Appeals Board and their judges. The Workers Compensation Appeals Board is the court where you’re workers compensation case will be heard. The work injury lawyer will save you from the work comp paperwork nightmare which is part of the workers compensation system. You will no longer have to deal with a workers compensation insurance company as your work injury attorney will take over that task for you. You will not have to deal with work comp carrier any longer. If you have suffered a work injury, you already have enough to worry about. Your work injury lawyer can also help you obtain benefits if you are unable to work as a result of your work comp injury. Those benefits may be in the form of temporary disability from the workers compensation insurance company or in the form of state disability payments in your workers compensation claim is denied.
Tips for hiring the right Worker’s Compensation lawyer
Hiring the right local experienced Worker’s Compensation attorney, preferably a member of the California Applicant Attorneys Association, can help you navigate your workers compensation case from beginning to end for the best possible outcome for you. This is part of the benefits of hiring a workers compensation attorney.
Benefits Of Hiring A Workers Compensation Attorney
Our Worker’s Compensation Law offices serve only the eastern Los Angeles County area, San Bernardino County and Riverside counties. We do not advertise all over the state and focus on representing injured workers locally. Unfortunately many residents of the inland valleys call out-of-town attorneys who advertise heavily here and wind up with attorneys in Long Beach, Los Angeles or Orange County who do not give them personal attention that the work injury case deserves and many of these people will never ever meet their actual attorney. If you see an attorney advertisement, look up the attorney’s information at the California State Bar to find out where the attorney is actually located.
I would recommend you stay away from lawyer groups with anonymous or mysterious names like California super duper lawyers, legal defenders, injury lawyers group, and other names that do not identify the attorney and make vague claims that they will fight for you. You have no idea what lawyer you’re going to wind up with. This information and the links below should help you make an informed decision as to which attorney is best for your case to help you understand the benefits of hiring a workers compensation attorney.
California Applicant Attorneys Association
California State Bar Attorney Search